Information about Tuning Fork Therapy, Body Tuners, Otto Tuning Forks and Ohm Tuning Forks.  How to use tuning forks. How tuning forks work. First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. - Mohandas Gandhi.
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Tuning Fork Therapy Information. How To Use Tuning Forks.

Interactive Therapy

Interactive therapy is different a way of referring to alternative or complementary therapy because these therapies integrate traditional methods with non-traditional methods. The healthcare community is increasingly accepting of these treatments. They are often used to provide pain relief and symptom management.

Some of the methods of interactive therapy are tuning fork therapy, massage, Reiki, music, aromatherapy and sound therapy. A lot has been written about the use of sound therapy in cancer care. This can be in the form of singing bowls, chimes or tuning forks. Read more about these interactive therapies.

In her book, "Clinical Practice and Psychopharmacology," Sophia F. Dziegielewski describes different forms of energy medicine, among them is sound energy therapy in the form of music, wind chime and tuning fork therapy.

In their book, "CMSA Core Curriculum for Case Management ," Suzanne K. Powell and Hussein A. Tahan discuss BioEnergy Therapies. These are therapies which work on balancing a person's bioenergy and biomagnetic fields with the goal of promoting healing of the physical body and emotions. One of these therapies is sound energy therapy which includes music therapy, wind chimes, tuning fork therapy, percussion instruments, chanting, singing and electronic sounds of low frequencies.

What is a tuning fork?

Information about Tuning Fork Therapy, Body Tuners, Otto Tuning Forks and Ohm Tuning Forks.  How to use tuning forks. How tuning forks work.

A tuning fork is a two-pronged metal fork with the tines forming a U-shape, ending in a handle. They are used as an acoustic resonators. Tuning forks are made of stainless steel or an aluminum alloy. When struck, they resonate at a specific and constant pitch. The pitch is determined by the length of the tines. The frequency in Hz (cycles per second of the sound wave made when the fork is vibrating) is stamped just above the handle, at the base of the tines. A 128 Hz tuning fork will vibrate 128 times per second. See animated diagrams of tuning fork vibrations.

Tuning Fork Therapy

The sound generated by a tuning fork travels into the body and can stimulate the production of nitric oxide. When nitric oxide enters the surrounding tissues, it causes blood vessels to dilate and muscles to relax. Blood pressure is reduced. The pattern of tension and pain is interrupted which allows the nervous system and muscles to relax to their natural state. Since nitric oxide is a free radical scavenger, the immune system is stimulated.

With tuning fork therapy, the tuning forks are applied to specific points of the body. These can be acupuncture and acupressure points or the energy center points. This can be useful in freeing blocked energy so a natural state of balance can be restored and healing can be promoted.

If two tuning forks are tapped together and applied, your body's biochemistry may be altered instantaneously, which can bring your organs, nervous system and muscle tone into harmonic balance. You could quickly enter into a deep state of relaxation.

Alan Sales has written an article called "Tuning Forks for Healing Therapy." This informative article describes they body's energy centers and discusses the importance of sound in healing, health problems and tuning fork therapy, and tuning fork application. Mr. Sales says, "The application of tuning fork sound therapy can act as a tool to bring about changes on all levels of this energy system, producing a remarkable healing effect as a result." Several patient case studies are sited.

Possible Benefits of Tuning Fork Therapy

The use of tuning forks may produce these benefits:

  • Pain relief
  • Stress relief
  • Relaxation
  • Balanced nervous system
  • Improved mental clarity and concentration
  • Increased physical energy
  • Enhanced massage and acupressure therapy
  • Integrated left and right brain thought patterns.

Healing with Sound Therapy, Sonopuncture

Sonopuncture is an alternative healing method using tuning forks therapy. A tuning fork is struck with a rubber mallet which causes it to vibrate and resonate. The vibration causes a fluctuation of high and low pressure in the surrounding air. The sound waves are transported to the body through the process of entrainment.

Entrainment is the tendency of two objects to vibrate at the same frequency. It is almost as if they are dancing together. Brain Wave Entrainment (BWE) is a therapy where brain waves are altered by the introduction of frequencies using sound therapy or tuning fork therapy. The brain will pick up and vibrate at the frequencies which are introduced. This method is discusses in John N. Demos' book "Getting Started with Neurofeedback." Read more about how entrainment works.

With tuning fork therapy, the tuning fork is pointed at or touched on the area of the body which needs healing. Vibrations created by the tuning fork are sent to nerve endings, thereby transmitting a signal to parts of the body. When transmitting this energy through the body, the theory is that organs may be enhanced by freeing constriction of organs, therefore increasing blood flow.

This harmonic balancing treatment uses tuning forks to bring the body into balance. The treatment is similar to a massage, but the client reclines on the treatment table while fully clothed. Tuning forks are passed over the body. The sound will become louder or softer where there are areas of concentrated or deficient energy. The tuning fork is held over an area of discord until the body attunes itself to the vibration and relaxes.

Tuning Fork Healing Frequency

It appears that the mental, physical and emotional areas are affected by tuning fork therapy. With the theory of tuning fork healing, the emitted sound waves seem to cause deep relaxation, restore the mind, balance the body and help the body to heal itself. Consequently, ailments from physical pain to addictive behavior may be helped. It also seems that tuning forks may reduce stress and muscle tension, pain and spasms. There are also claims that blood flow increases and circulation improves because constriction of specific organs is relieved.

Tuning Fork Therapy for Horses

These methods are even used on horses. The tuning forks are applied directly to the withers and croup to open the horse's spinal column. Or they can be applied to areas that are sore, tight, bound or locked. Read about tuning fork therapy for horses.


Tuning Forks and Diabetics

Tuning forks were used after World War I before the advent of sophisticated audio equipment to test whether a man suffered "war deafness" in one ear.

Tuning forks are sometimes used with diabetics. They are used to measure how much loss of sensation the patients has which is a measurement of the likelihood of ulceration.

How to Use a Tuning Fork

There are two types of tuning forks. We'll discuss how to use them separately.

Weighted Tuning Forks

Weighted tuning forks have a round weight on the end of each tine. This allows for longer and stronger vibration. To activate a weighted tuning fork, strike the flat side of the weights on the heel of your hand, the side with your pinky finger.

The flat side of the weight can also be tapped gently on your knee. Tap them directly on the patella bone (knee cap). Hold the handle firmly, not too loose or tight. Tap gently. The tap should not hurt or cause a bruise.

Unweighted Tuning Forks

Unweighted tuning forks are tapped on a hard rubber activator or struck with a hard rubber mallet, about 1/3 of the way from the end of the tine.

Another way to use unweighted tuning forks is to tap two of them together. This must be done carefully and properly. Gently tap them together twice about 1/3 of the way from the end of the tine. Tap the flat edge side of one tuning fork to the flat corner edge of the other. Adjust the volume by the strength of the tap.

Tapping tuning forks together creates overtones from the interaction of the two tones. With this method of activating, the forks are not held to the ears. Rather they are moved above and around the body. Moving them around causes different interactions of the sound. This method works best when used on another person.

Activated Tuning Fork

Once the tuning fork is activated, place the handle on:

  • Vertebrae of your spine
  • Hand
  • Knee
  • Stiff or painfully arthritic joint
  • Nerve group
  • Muscle group
  • Acupuncture points
  • Chakra centers
  • Any place of pain or discomfort

Tuning forks can also be places right next to your ear. You can listen to one or place different ones by each ear.

Getting Started with Tuning Forks

Body Tuners

The Body Tuner set is a good place for a beginner to start. It consists of two tuning forks, the notes of C (256 Hz) and G (384 Hz). Together they form a perfect fifth, 3/2 ratio. The body tuners may be useful in opening the gateway to healing.

Activate them by tapping on a hard rubber activator or your knee. Hold one on each side of your head. The two sounds combine to produce a third sound called a binaural beat. This sound will resonate throughout your whole body. Listening to these two tones together may help bring your nervous system into balance. You can also start at your ears and move down until the tuning forks are level with your heart, activating the heart energy center.

Otto Tuning Forks

The Otto Tuning forks are also good for beginners. They can be used directly on your body at points where there is pain of discomfort. Otto is short for osteophonic. Osteo = bone. Phonic = sound. The most common, and best place for a beginner to start is with 128 Hz, one octave below middle C. The Otto Tuning Forks come in these frequencies. (The pluses and minuses are the number of octaves above or below middle C.)

32 Hz
64 Hz
128 Hz
256 Hz
512 Hz
1024 Hz
2048 Hz
4096 Hz

The Otto Tuners resonate the bones, muscles, joints, nerves, wherever they are placed. It is possible that the Otto Tuners may relieve pain, muscle tension and spasms. When muscles are not tense and constricting, circulation can improve.

How to Use Otto Tuning Forks

The Otto Tuners can be used in two ways. They can be listened to or applied to body parts.

To listen, tap two on your knees or an activator and hold about one inch away from your ears. This creates a lovely sustained low note, if using the 128 Hz. This can help tremendously with relaxation.

To use on your body, locate the part of your body you want to stimulate. This can be the sternum, rib heads, thoracic vertebra, bones, muscle, joint, ligament or nerve. Tap the tuning fork on your knee or an activator. Firmly hold the stem on the spot you want. Hold it there until the vibration stops. This method works well with the 128 Hz Otto Tuner.

Otto 128

The Otto 128 tuning fork can be used on any bone, joint, muscle, nerve, or any place of discomfort, pain or tension. Locate a place on your body with the problem. Activate the tuner and place the handle directly on the place of discomfort. Hold it there until the vibration stops.

The Otto 128 can also be held to your ears to generate a feeling of relaxation. Play with them by moving them closer or farther away from your ears. You can also hum the note as you listen. This causes the vibration to flow throughout your body.

Otto 64

The Otto 64 is used primarily on the sacrum, although it can be used on any bone or joint of the body.

Otto 32

The Otto 32 creates a deep vibration. This one is used differently from the others. After activating it by tapping lightly on your knee or heel of your palm, run it along your skin, close but not touching. Run it close enough to barely touch the hair. Use it on your arms or legs. This can stimulate the blood and nerves.

Use it around your head, touching it to your hair. This gives you a scalp massage, stimulating you through the hair follicles. Headaches may be relieved my using this technique.

For eye strain, run the Otto 32 around your eye, close, but not touching.

Otto 4096

The Otto 4096 can be used with quartz crystal. You need a piece of quartz with a pointed end and a rough end. Tap the rough end and the crystal will vibrate. This will be quite high pitched. With the pointed end of the crystal toward the body, hold it close, move it away, move it back close, etc.

Ohm Tuning Fork (Om Tuner)

The Ohm tuning fork is tuned to the Earth Year frequency of 136.1 Hz. Using it may quickly put you into a deep state of relaxation. Gently tap the tuning fork on your knee or on an activator. It can either be held to your ear or firmly held to a body part or acupressure point. Leave it there until the vibration stops. Try touching this fork to your sacrum, sternum, thoracic vertebra, rib heads of illium.

Use the Ohm Tuning Fork with the Otto 128

It is especially effective to use the Ohm Tuning Fork with the Otto 128. When these two tuning forks are activated and one is held to your right ear and the other to your left, the two hemispheres of your brain receive the sounds and create a third sound called a binaural beat. This creates an alpha state or a state of deep relaxation.

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